Thursday, 12 January 2012

Futuristic 1970s Soehnle kitchen scales

When it comes to gadgets and accessories for your kitchen it's sometimes hard to get away from vintage scales of the sort found in a Dickensian sweet shop with a selection of weights and no funkiness. Luckily the 1970s provided us with cool stuff for the kitchen, along with dreams of jet cars, food pills and teleporters. In this case, even the normally-reserved Germans got in on the act.

These 1970s Soehnle scales are from Germany and you may have noticed the large orange weighing dish which can handle items under 15cm in diameter, and can be turned upside down to save space if you want to hide such a lovely weighing machine away.

Soehnle continue to be a high quality manufacturer of kitchen goodies today, and this set will take weights of up to 2kg, so plenty for most kitchen tasks. They're currently on sale for £12.50, and would certainly make sorting out your ingredients a lot more fun.

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